Thursday, March 27

The Next Round of Zoom-Zoom

2016 Miata

With the Mazda Miata having twenty-five years under its belt along with three generations the Miata has given us something we had not seen before in any roadster. The Miata offered us an affordable and reliable car that has the most engaging and dynamic driving experience. This two-seater roadster showed off with a suspension and handling that had not been seen before on any roadster as well as offering us something we had not experienced on a car of this style from the European market; reliability.

The reliability alone made the Miata a car we like better than any others. Another factor that was a huge improvement over the other roadsters was the affordability of this new car. The Miata came in as a car that can be purchased by just about every car owner, not just those in the upper echelons of income brackets. Other models of roadsters also came with mostly poor performances with a history of leaking oil and no reliability whatsoever. Even though these models were great when they did run correctly, the Miata outperformed the rest of them easily.

The Miata as it entered the market a quarter of a century ago showed off with a style that was great for both men and women. The size and curves of the Miata gave us a car that was and still is fun to drive on any road with the fully balanced and engaged driving experience that makes for a drive that is easy to enjoy. Even though the Miata has always been powered by a four-cylinder engine, this car has never felt underpowered and can beat almost anything in and out of a curve along with taking this lightweight car quickly down any straightaway.

With the partnership of Fiat and Chrysler that has now come to be FCA, the Miata will see upgrades that bring it and even more serious look that takes it from being a cute little car with surprising performance to one that is fully designed to be attractive, classy and a bit more sophisticated. This new look will only enhance the overall attraction to the Miata, which has been one of the most sought after roadsters in history will now entice a crowd that used to scoff at the cartoon-like appearance of the rounded edges and diminutive size of the car.

Now that the Miata has been revamped and appears to have grownup do we add a third zoom to the mantra or take it away all together? Considering this is the car the mantra has been built on for nearly all its lifetime the Miata will continue to be the “zoom-zoom” car we all know and love as it wears a classier new look, almost like it’s final grown up and ready to go out for a serious night on the town. Looking forward to a new Miata and its awesome new looks, check out the local dealers later this year to see what the 2016 models will have to offer you with their engaging drive and awesome new style.

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