Monday, February 24

Dream Ride with a GoPro

11.03.16 - Himalayan Bike Ride

The GoPro camera has become one of the most popular items that can be purchased to document the action right in front of you. This Point of View (POV) look at the experience someone has given you an idea of what they see and how they see it. The beauty of these items is you can document all sorts of action during the day or event including sporting events and the action from the field or the excitement of a drop from a plane to the ground while skydiving where you get to see how small things look at first.

The subject of the video below used a GoPro to document a dream ride that anyone would love to take. The challenge of this ride wasn’t just based on what he would encounter, but making sure those who saw the video could experience this amazing ride with him. Where did this rider go? They went to the Himalayas and back which covered 5340 km in a 23 day period to give us a view of some of the most impressive natural landmarks and wonders in the world that most of us will never have a chance to see.

As you can see from the video the rider encounters all sorts of terrain from fully paved roads to rocky dirt paths. These roads are cut at a variety of elevations as well. Some of them are narrow paths that barely leave room for the rider and another vehicle on the road to pass each other. As you look at the mountain passes you will notice the steep cliffs and falls that away anyone wo makes the wrong move one time, thankfully the rider in this video was careful enough to avoid heading down one of these treacherous embankments.

Not only were the road interesting along the way, this rider encountered all sorts of animals and people in a variety of ways. Camping along the trails was a must in some cases, even though danger was present that could easily have made this ride much shorter than it was. the fun of a ride like this can be the people you meet and most of them seemed to be in good spirits and enjoy meeting someone on such a trek along the way. This is certainly a ride that can inspire you and give you the feeling that you need to do something similar.

What’s on your bucket list? As the rider in this video stated in his comments, this ride certainly changed him and made him a different person than when he started. Is this something you’re looking for? If so, make sure you take a GoPro with you for your life changing event so that the rest of the world can enjoy the view and action that makes the difference in your life. If you still aren’t sure about such an event, just check out this video and admire the awesome scenery and the different encounters our rider has on their life altering ride.

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