Monday, February 24

The Hobby that Brings Back a Childhood

11.03.16 - Hot Wheels

For many of us the joy of going to the store might have meant you got to pick out a toy to take home if you were well-behaved during the trip. You tried your best to act the way you knew would please your parents and at the end of the shopping a stop in the Hot Wheels aisle was a must. Hot Wheels cars were the perfect toy to reward you as a child and have always been priced right to make it easy for your parents to add an item to the total that was only a minor amount and certainly worth the cost to have you act right in the store.

The fun you could have with Hot Wheels cars was left up to nothing short of your own imagination. If you had some car tracks and a few blocks you could make ramps and have your cars jump across the room. Today there are several different track sets you can purchase for your Hot Wheels cars that give you an imaginative world in which to race and jump your cars in a variety of great stunts that make you smile.

Whatever happened to all your Hot Wheels cars? If you’re lucky your parents kept them for you so that you can share your fun with your own children, but if not you can always purchase a few more to share when you have children. For some adults, the fun of Hot Wheels cars never ends, it only gets bigger as they turn into car enthusiast and work to recreate some of the vehicles they rolled around the orange tracks as kids into life sized versions of these models, but that’s not always the case, some adults simply find bigger and better ways to play with Hot Wheels.

The folks at 5MadMovieMakers have made a name for themselves using Hot Wheels cars and making POV videos that we can enjoy watching over and over again. They not only capture the action from away from the car, but they use GoPro cameras to capture the jumps and allow you to feel as if you’re actually experiencing the jump for yourself. The videos they have collected so far are impressive and let you see what can happen when you have a lot of track, a little imagination and a free weekend with nothing but playtime in front of you.

Check out this video lined below from 5MMM. You can see the cars perform flips, rolls, spins and jumps that are simply amazing. All of these stunts are easy enough for you to do on your own; all you need is some track, the cars and a little time in order to pull off some of the cool things you’ll see. Here’s your opportunity to really impress your child with the cool action you can create together to rekindle the fun of playing with Hot Wheels for you and spark that passion in your own child. Have fun and check out this video for some great ideas.

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