Tuesday, May 14

Month: November 2016

The Longest Argument in American Sports Cars
Chevrolet, Ford

The Longest Argument in American Sports Cars

One of the longest rivalries that we’ve seen on the automotive market takes place between the Ford Mustang and Chevrolet Camaro. These two sports cars have being going head to head since the 1960s and have been argued over for several decades. There hasn’t been a clear winner in years and with these two cars going at it, there still might not be a clear victor over the other. (more…)
The Car You Want to Know About

The Car You Want to Know About

Even though a vast majority of those of you who read this article will never get the opportunity to drive this car, we all want to know more about it. The car in question is the new Bugatti Chiron which is the successor to the Veyron and a fitting way for Bugatti to continue to be a leader in the world of speed, elegance and pure sport luxury in a car that’s tops the chart at more money than most of us will ever make in a lifetime. The Chiron will show up with a massive 8.0-liter W16 quad turbocharged 1,500 horsepower engine that certainly grabs your attention, but there’s much more to this car than just power. (more…)
The Hobby that Brings Back a Childhood

The Hobby that Brings Back a Childhood

For many of us the joy of going to the store might have meant you got to pick out a toy to take home if you were well-behaved during the trip. You tried your best to act the way you knew would please your parents and at the end of the shopping a stop in the Hot Wheels aisle was a must. Hot Wheels cars were the perfect toy to reward you as a child and have always been priced right to make it easy for your parents to add an item to the total that was only a minor amount and certainly worth the cost to have you act right in the store. (more…)
Dream Ride with a GoPro

Dream Ride with a GoPro

The GoPro camera has become one of the most popular items that can be purchased to document the action right in front of you. This Point of View (POV) look at the experience someone has given you an idea of what they see and how they see it. The beauty of these items is you can document all sorts of action during the day or event including sporting events and the action from the field or the excitement of a drop from a plane to the ground while skydiving where you get to see how small things look at first. (more…)
Drowsiness is a Problem for Many Drivers

Drowsiness is a Problem for Many Drivers

Unfortunately many of us fill our days so full of activities and scheduled events that we have a hard time sleeping well at night and leave ourselves little time to get ready for the day in the morning. Distractions from behind the wheel can include text messages, talking on cell phones, eating, drinking or other people in the car, but most of us don’t think of drowsiness as a distraction. The reality is if we drive drowsy there’s a much greater likelihood of ending up in an accident than if we drive fully alert and ready for the day. (more…)
Are EV Drivers Smarter than Other Drivers?

Are EV Drivers Smarter than Other Drivers?

While there’s no evidence to suggest that a driver who chooses a vehicle that runs solely on electricity is any smarter than a driver of a gasoline powered vehicle it seems these drivers are making more intelligent choices. This fact is the result of some of the data collected by AAA and the number of service calls they’ve had for EV drivers over the past several years. AAA serves the nation of members which is nearly 56 million strong at this point, but there seem to be a different type of service needed for those driving EVs over those with gasoline engines. (more…)