Sunday, March 30

Mazda Racing Keeps Getting Bigger

01.25.17 - Mazda MX-5 Miata

If you’re considering entering a racing segment of the world, the Mazda Motorsports racing series would be a great place to be. For several years the SCCA Runoffs have paid out handsomely and many Mazda club racers are getting paid to race. The Mazda Motorsports racing segment has become the hottest part of racing in the world, making it easy to see why so many racers want to race the MX-5 Miata races that happen nearly every weekend around the world. Let’s take a look at why you want to get into racing with Mazda.

For several years Mazda has earned the reputation of being the most supportive company in the road racing circuits. With Mazda paying for performance the company doled out over $1,000,000 in prize money last year to Mazda club racers. This didn’t include the 1,300,000 that was awarded to champions in the professional racing circuits at the Mazda Road to Indy and the Mazda Road to 24. These payout show an impressive reinvestment into the sport of racing and to those who choose to race their Miata each and every weekend whether it’s for fun or to see if they can get a piece of this prize money.

During the 2017 racing year Mazda has made some changes to the awards. In the past only the top three racers at a SCCA Runoffs race would receive a monetary prize with the winner leaving the race with $5,000. Now the racers who finish all the way to fifth place have a chance to take home part of the prize money present at the race. This makes perfect sense for Mazda to continue to support the racing and the club drivers who need parts and items on a weekly basis so they can continue to enjoy the racing they love.

The Mazda Motorsports racing program launched in the early part of the 1990s and since then the Motorsports segment of the company has sold over $100,000,000 in parts. Considering the prize money given out, this seems to be a fair trade off. The payoff last year went to over 400 racers across the country. With the aid of Long Road Racing, over 125 Global MX-5 Cup race cars have been delivered since October of 2015 which each sell for $58,900. This is a huge jump over the typical price for a Miata, but so is the performance of this particular car.

On most weekends more Mazda cars are racing than any other brand in the world and the company has awarded 67 scholarships to drivers since 2006 in an effort to continue to grow the joy of racing and help drivers receive the education they desire. Mazda is huge in racing and seems to be poised to continue to grow this part of their business. If you’ve been searching for a great way to get into racing, get yourself one of the Mazda MX-5 Cup cars and get out on the track with the rest of the crowd and have some fun.

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