Sunday, March 30

Honda’s Commitment to the Environment

Knowing the true intention of the businesses we frequent is always a good thing, and transparency is key. We like to know if we’re purchasing something from a company with a solid set of core values, especially when they align with our own morals. If a particular business shows a connection with the changing and growing world around them, it makes it easier for us to want to be a part of it all. If a company takes care of their employees and the surrounding community, it’s a heartwarming feeling to be able to support their efforts.

Honda, a leading name in the automotive field, is a company that has made it their mission to contribute to society, as well as creating well-crafted and efficient vehicles. Honda has been in the vehicle business since 1949, when they humbly began crafting motorcycles. The first car came off their line in 1963 with the production of a small pickup truck. By 2011, they had become one of the biggest car manufacturers in the world. The number of cars they’ve produced over the past several decades has only increased Honda’s passion for the world around them, and they’ve made every effort to be committed to it.

Back in the Day

The environment is, and always has been, a high priority for Honda. In 1977, the Civic was named one of America’s most fuel efficient vehicles by the Environmental Protection Agency, and they’ve only continued to grow from there. In 2010, they celebrated their tenth year on the ACEEE’s list of America’s greenest vehicles. Part of their commitment to the environment means that Honda vehicles are constructed to using less materials that could be considered harmful to the environment, the materials used are highly recyclable, and each vehicle is made to be as fuel efficient as possible.

As of 2011, this auto giant claimed that they planned to reduce their personal CO2 emissions by 30% by the year 2020. This number includes not only their cars but their production centers, as well. In order to accomplish this mission, they’ve reduced the amount of waste when constructing their cars, taking the numbers from 62 pounds per vehicle to just under 2 pounds. Many of their dealerships are also constructed using energy efficient products, rain collection systems, and solar panels to harness the power of the sun to supply some of their electrical demands.

Dedication to the Community and Diversity

The Honda Corporation also has a strong connection to their surrounding communities. They make massive charitable contributions every year, participate in environmental cleanup initiatives, and serves on the board for the Alabama Institute for the Deaf and Blind. Another program offered by the Honda family is in an effort to assist their employees in making charitable contributions by offering to match their personal donations. They also will generously allow their employees time off to serve as a volunteer for their favorite charitable organizations. Overall, Honda contributes a great deal of their time, their employees, and their funds toward making things happen for many different need-based organizations.

Diversity is of the utmost importance in the world today and is to Honda as well. Not only do they make an effort to ensure a diverse work environment, but they also reach out into the community around them to show that they believe different is good. Honda is deeply involved with Historically Black Colleges and Universities, sponsoring an annual Battle of the Bands competition and a Campus All-Star Challenge. College level athletes have also been honored with receiving the Honda Cup, an award given to the top women athletes since 1986. Millions of dollars have been contributed by the company to continue funding for women’s athletic programs at colleges and universities across the country.

Honda’s Stance on Education

While diversity, the environment, and the community are important to the Honda Corporation, education is equally as important. In 1993, the Eagle Rock School and Professional Development Center opened its doors funded completely by Honda. The school operates without the demand for costly tuition and maintains an environment centered on making learning easier for those who’ve previously found the concept difficult. The Professional Development Center works with educators to provide them with a different outlook, motivation for education, and an environment in which they can discuss issues freely.

Stressing the importance of science and technology, Honda has donated hundreds of thousands of dollars across the country to support the study of science, technology, engineering, and math. With the Power of Dreams Music Education Fund, Honda has been putting money back into the public schools’ arts programs in Detroit. In a nod to the importance of furthering educational pursuits, Honda has also started a competition for college students to work on an actual marketing campaign in the Honda College Marketing Competition.

A Philanthropic Drive

Seeing as though Honda produces some of the most popular vehicles on the market these days, their commitment to the community around them fully supports these numbers. When considering the purchase of a new vehicle, little attention is often paid to what the manufacturer is doing to enrich the lives of the people that not only purchase from them but work for them as well. Perhaps, however, more people should focus on what goes on behind the scenes, as much as they focus on the price tag of the car or whether or not it offers certain desirable gadgets and gizmos.


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