Sunday, February 23

Word from Starman

Word from Starman

There’s no doubt that Tesla CEO, Elon Musk will work hard to capitalize on the publicity and the attention that his recent launch will gain. As part of his space program, the SpaceX Falcon Heavy Rocket launched from the Earth a couple days ago and was sent hurling toward Mars to prove that space travel to Mars and back can be done in a timely manner that would move toward the next stage of what Musk has planned for this program. This rocket took off and had a special payload on board for us to admire and be entertained.

If the launching of the Falcon Heavy rocket was a simple as having a few astronauts on board or it was empty, that would be a bit boring. As we learned earlier in the week, this rocket was launched withMusk’s own Tesla Roadster in the payload bay and the mannequin in the driver’s seat that has been aptly named Starman. As you would expect from a CEO that’s as connected as Musk is with his followers, there were several cameras on board to show USA look at the ride that Starman got to enjoy along the way to Mars.

What did we do with the Images?

The views from inside the car as it has been rocketing through space have been amazing and there has even been a live stream offered that’s called“Live Views of Starman” which shows the dummy in the seat of the car. This certainly gave us a fantastic look at the effects of this type of space travel and will offer data that can be studied once the rocket returns or makes it’s what to the destination of Mars, but this live video stream has turned into something else entirely.

In the day and age of social media, instant information, and sharing with clever captions, this live stream has been turned into a series of memes that have been making their way around the internet. Everything from parodies of movie car scenes to a lost Uber driver has been shared as a caption to the video based memes that have been shared around the world. It’s easy to see this live feed has been a huge hit since the rocket took off and is a fantastic way for the world to see what Elon Musk and SpaceX have been able to accomplish.

Does this mean we’re going to see a settlement on Mars in the future? Are there plans to send people as far as this distant planet in the upcoming years? This information is certainly still to be determined and once the data has been collected and studied but the travel of Starman along the way will certainly continue to gain attention and let us see how this journey is experienced. Musk promised us the silliest thing he could think of and launching the new Roaster (literally) into space is certainly one of the most interesting and impressive ways to show us this new space program and provide a ton of meme fodder.

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