Tuesday, March 25

Vehicle Depreciation Works Two Ways

2017 Cadillac SRX

When you buy a new vehicle, if your intention is to be able to sell it and get the most out of it after three years, you’re going to want to make sure you avoid the models on this list.
Most vehicles will depreciate at a rate of about 35 percent after three years, but the models on this list have deprecated much more than that which means you can’t expect to have as much in return when you’re ready to trade in the model you’re driving.

Buick Enclave

While the Enclave is an excellent premium vehicle that can seat your entire family and give you the drive you want, the average depreciation of this model is 46.8 percent. This is much higher than the average depreciation rate and if you choose to buy the Enclave you might want to think about keeping it for a much longer period of time.

Cadillac SRX

This is a luxury SUV that’s been replaced by the new XT5 to give us the most popular Cadillac model on the market today. Even though this is a popular choice and may even be one that many people want on the used market, the SRX has a depreciation rate of 47.2 percent after three years making it an SUV that won’t hold its value for you, unlike other Cadillac offerings, such as the always-popular Cadillac Escalade SUV.

Audi A3

As a small and active sedan that can be perfect for you to drive, the A3 is fun and efficient to make it a luxury car that you’ll enjoy every day. That’s a good thing because you’re likely to want to keep this sedan for your own driving pleasure especially when you think about the fact that the A3 depreciates at a rate of 47.9 percent after only three years.

Volkswagen Jetta

Here’s a car that might surprise you considering the fact that it’s a popular choice on the used market. The Jetta depreciates at a rate of 48.1 percent after three years, which means this is a car you might want to enjoy for a much longer time or wait and look for a used model that’s three years old or more.

Chrysler 200

Another model that’s no longer in production is the Chrysler 200. This is car you would have to purchase on the used car market and the fact that it depreciated at a rate of 48.4 percent over three years means you might need to look at a used model for the drive you’re after. Take a look at what you can enjoy with this car and experience the drive you need.

Ford Taurus

Large, comfortable, affordable, and substantial are all ways to describe what the Ford Taurus is for the drive. This big sedan is one that you’ll want to drive, but if you do, understand that your trade-in value will be cut nearly in half because the car will depreciated at a 49.7 percent rate over three years.

BMW 3 Series

As one of the most popular models to lease in the market today, you’re going to want to consider a lease instead of a purchase for this vehicle. The depreciation is a full 49.8 percent, which could mean your lease price is pretty high unless you find a great deal or a special being offered at your nearby BMW dealership.

Mercedes-Benz E-Class

This is the midsize sedan from this luxury brand and it’s one that you should drive for several years if you purchase it. The three-year depreciation percentage comes in at 49.9 percent to give you an idea of a model that loses half its value after only a short period of time. Enjoy the quality and drive of the Mercedes-Benz E-Class, but don’t trade it in.

Volkswagen Passat

This midsize sedan from Volkswagen is one that can be a pleasure for you to drive and it gives you a different style of driving than what you’re used to. If you do choose this sedan, don’t trade it in after three years because you’ll have lost 50.7 percent of the value to depreciation. Better to hang onto this sedan and drive it for several more years and enjoy the ride.

BMW 5 Series

The 5 Series from BMW may be one of the smoothest and most active models you’re going to find in order to have the driving experience you want, but it also offers the highest depreciation rate in the automotive industry. The 5 Series will depreciate at a rate of 52.6 percent and is a car that you certainly should keep in good condition and continue to drive.

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