Saturday, March 15

Crazy Cars You Forgot Existed but Want to Remember

Crazy Cars You Forgot Existed but Want to Remember

There have been a lot of crazy cars and most of the time we forget that some of these cars were ever part of shows or testing in the automotive world.

The automotive industry has seen its share of imaginative designs and incredible cars that have been part of the automotive landscape. Let’s take a turn and jog your memories with some cars that you forgot ever existed.

Ferrari 512S Modulo

Ferrari 512S Modulo

The goal of this car was to make it as fast as possible. This car was designed to be low to the ground, and it was less than a meter high in total. This gave the car the most aerodynamic shape possible to rocket around the track. This Ferrari never went into production but is an amazing car that was built in the 1970s to show off what the Ferrari team could accomplish.

ISO Isetta

ISO Isetta

The ISO Isetta is a cute little three-wheel Italian car that has a large door in the front that opens to let you in. This car was made out of necessity because there was a lack of raw materials after World War II, making it a popular choice in Europe. The production of this car ran from 1953 to 1961 and more than 160,000 models were made and put out on the road.

Stout Scarab

Stout Scarab

The Stout Scarab is a car that looks like an older limousine or a stretched Isetta. This car is considered the first minivan in the world, but it doesn’t look anything like the minivans we see today. The Scarab was designed in the 1930s and it used a Ford V8 engine for the power needed. At the time, it cost four times the amount of a luxury Chrysler Imperial of the same era, which made it a car that didn’t get chosen very often.

Nissan S-Cargo

Nissan S-Cargo

The name is a pun and so is the car. The S-Cargo from Nissan stands for “small cargo” but “escargot” means “snail” in French and this car does look a bit like a snail when you see it. This is a small commercial van that was offered from 1989 to 1991 to give a small vehicle that could carry a few items around on the roads in Japan.

Messerschmitt KR200

Messerschmitt KR200

This little car was offered from 1955 to 1964 and 40,000 models were made. This car was a small cabin scooter with a trailer and room for only two people. This is another post-war car that rode on three wheels as a bubble car. This is an interesting car that you might not have known existed or you simply forgot was part of what some people drove around Germany.

Taking a walk down memory lane to remember some of the crazy cars that were part of our driving in the early days of the post-war era is a lot of fun. What is the strangest and craziest car you’ve ever read about or seen? Can you see the influence of some of the oddities from the market in today’s cars?

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