Friday, March 28

Oddities of an Early Fiat

Oddities of an Early Fiat

Car technology has come a long way, and that’s not just a discussion regarding the electronics. Cars were large and powerful with massive engines at one time, and now they are smaller, but safer, with crumple zone technology and safety items that help you avoid an accident. Even cars that were created to offer a lot of seating in a small model gave you a bit of an interesting layout in order to make it possible for you to have the drive you’re looking for. The original Fiat 600 Multipla from the 1950s is a perfect example of an oddity on the road.

A First Impression of this Car

Looking at the Fiat 600 Multipla you might think the Italian team stole the plans for the Volkswagen Microbus to create the look and the layout. The front end is short and stubby and the color scheme is two-toned with plenty of glass for all passengers to see out of the windows with ease. This little vehicle was made to offer seating for up to six people to sit and enjoy the ride comfortably and it didn’t offer you anywhere to fit extra luggage to be stored away during the drive.

How did You fit in this Fiat?

The Fiat 600 Multipla had the engine in the rear and above the small engine was the shelf that offered you the optional third-row seats. This was typically where luggage and other gear was placed when you didn’t have six people traveling with you. Because of the lack of space, you can’t find the place where Fiat tucked the spare tire away unless you look for it and see that this tire was put in one of the most unusual locations in any vehicle in the history of the automotive industry.

Where’s the Spare?

While many of the vehicles from this era either put the spare tire in the trunk or hung it outside the car in some way, the Fiat 600 didn’t offer this at all. In a time before Fix-a-Flat or run-flats, it was required to have a spare tire in some location of the vehicle to make sure you could change your tire and get to the shop to have the tire replaced with a new one with ease. Strangely enough, the spare tire of this little Fiat was located at the feet of the front passenger and it was wrapped in a vinyl covering to allow it to be an acceptable part of the interior.

Technology has Grown, Thankfully

Not only was the spare tire at the feet of the front passenger in the Fiat 600 Multipla, but the driver also had their feet in the crumple zone and would be in serious danger of serious injury in this vehicle. This is a model that’s fun to talk about and certainly is a cute part of automotive history, but it would never be offered in the market today because of a complete lack of passenger protection for those in the vehicle.

Looking for a newer model? Opt for the 2018 Fiat 500 today!

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