Saturday, March 15


Don’t Look to the Chevrolet Silverado for Fuel Efficiency
Brands, Chevrolet, Ford, Ram, Trucks

Don’t Look to the Chevrolet Silverado for Fuel Efficiency

The Chevrolet team is excited to be offering us a new four-cylinder engine in the Silverado pickup truck, but as a shopper, you might want to consider another engine when you buy a new truck. The 2019 Chevrolet Silverado is offered with a large number of upgrades and improvements compared to the previous model, but this new engine isn’t one of them. While this may be a harsh criticism, the use of a four-cylinder engine in a truck should bring about more fuel mileage when you get behind the wheel and take a drive. (more…)
Check Out these Used Sports Cars
BMW, Brands, Chevrolet, Fiat, Ford, Mazda, Nissan, Sports Cars, Subaru, Toyota

Check Out these Used Sports Cars

If you’re looking for a car that offers the fun you want to enjoy and the features that get you excited, you want to take a look at used sports cars. The sports car you admire is waiting for you to choose it, but when you don’t want to pay the price for a new model, you need to consider the used models that can be right for you to drive. If your budget will allow for a $30,000 price tag, you can have a lot of power and fun on the road in one of these cars. (more…)
Affordability in a Used SUV
Brands, Cadillac, Chevrolet, EVs & Crossovers, Ford, GMC, Honda, Jeep, Lexus, Lincoln, Nissan, SUVs, Toyota

Affordability in a Used SUV

Have you been looking for the right used SUV to drive? Do you want to enjoy a model that has the capability to carry your family and their gear? Do you want to sit up higher and have an easy ride? If so, you need to look for a used SUV model that can be right for you on the road. Even if your budget is only $20,000, you can find some great choices when you’re shopping for the SUV that’s going to carry you and your family where you need to go, here are a few you could choose from. (more…)
The 2018 Auto Stories that Captured Our Attention this Year
Brands, Ford, Honda, Jeep, Mazda, Ram, Toyota

The 2018 Auto Stories that Captured Our Attention this Year

Every year there is plenty of drama and excitement in the automotive world as each brand tries to find a way to offer us what we want for the future. Many of the stories we see are part of the new models that are being built for the drive while others may have to be stories of struggles and triumph over a challenge or obstacle. With that in mind, take a look at these different stories that were part of this past year and see just how far we’ve come. (more…)
Ford Offers More Commercial Trucks for the Big Jobs
Ford, Trucks

Ford Offers More Commercial Trucks for the Big Jobs

Even though the half-ton market of the pickup truck market is where you find the largest number of sales from Ford, but Ford has done a masterful job of capturing another area of the market as well, the commercial market. This brand is the one that has been building the bigger trucks that offer incredible power for the work that needs to get done. When you see a box truck or a dump truck on the job sites around the country, many times, the truck getting the work done is a Ford. (more…)
The Tesla Model 3 Continues a Tradition of Quickness
Audi, Car Buying, Chevrolet, Ford, Honda, Infiniti, Jaguar, Nissan, Subaru, Tesla, Volkswagen

The Tesla Model 3 Continues a Tradition of Quickness

The Tesla Model 3 was a game changer in the EV market, and it continues to impress. In the past, the only benefit you received for an EV was the saving of fuel money in favor of electric power, but these vehicles were slow, plodding, and only the most committed environmentalist would choose them for the drive. Tesla changed this with the Model S and continues to make sure we have excellent models to drive with the new Model 3. The Model S is considered to be one of the quickest cars on the road for the past few years and now that we’ve seen a video of the Model 3 running a quarter-mile in 13.3-seconds at 104 mph, we can discuss cars that are slower than the Model 3. (more…)
Comparing the Top Performing American Trucks
Chevrolet, Ford, News, Ram, Trucks

Comparing the Top Performing American Trucks

The pickup truck segment of the automotive market is one that offers you a variety of excellent choices from the top performing American trucks available, and the three that stand out are the Ram 1500, Ford F-150, and the Chevrolet Silverado 1500. Looking at these three trucks together gives you the thought that you’re going to need to get a lot of work done. These three are the choices you’re going to want to have when it’s time to find the truck that will let you head out on the road and get things done when you’re ready to go out every day. (more…)
Vehicle Depreciation Works Two Ways
Audi, BMW, Brands, Buick, Cadillac, Chrysler, Ford, Mercedes-Benz, Volkswagen

Vehicle Depreciation Works Two Ways

When you buy a new vehicle, if your intention is to be able to sell it and get the most out of it after three years, you’re going to want to make sure you avoid the models on this list. Most vehicles will depreciate at a rate of about 35 percent after three years, but the models on this list have deprecated much more than that which means you can’t expect to have as much in return when you’re ready to trade in the model you’re driving. (more…)