Saturday, March 29

Tag: Fiat

Oddities of an Early Fiat

Oddities of an Early Fiat

Car technology has come a long way, and that’s not just a discussion regarding the electronics. Cars were large and powerful with massive engines at one time, and now they are smaller, but safer, with crumple zone technology and safety items that help you avoid an accident. Even cars that were created to offer a lot of seating in a small model gave you a bit of an interesting layout in order to make it possible for you to have the drive you’re looking for. The original Fiat 600 Multipla from the 1950s is a perfect example of an oddity on the road. (more…)
Big Money and Big Moves for FCA
Chrysler, Dodge, Fiat, Jeep

Big Money and Big Moves for FCA

For the past few years, FCA has been the automotive group that we’ve looked at as missing out on the profits and the success that have been enjoyed by some of the other automakers in the industry. As a direct competitor in the US with Ford and GM, FCA is looked at as the third of the Detroit Big Three to make it one that has to be able to compete. When you look at what FCA offers for the driving experience, you might think they are having troubles financially, and that was true until the past couple of years. (more…)
Not Your Typical Off Roader
Fiat, News

Not Your Typical Off Roader

When you think of the vehicle you want to take out on the trails in your area to have fun and know you’re going to be able to handle the challenges faced, often you won’t think of a Fiat 500 to get the job done. While the 500 lineups have expanded over the years and the largest model in the group, the Fiat 500X, is offered with more capability, this is still a vehicle that is difficult to see out on the trails unless you choose one of the top two trim offerings of this vehicle. (more…)
Worst Automakers of 2016
Cadillac, Chrysler, Dodge, Fiat, GMC, Infiniti, Jeep, Land Rover, Mitsubishi, Nissan

Worst Automakers of 2016

While we put a concerted effort to creating lists of great accomplishments in the automotive world there are some instances when looking at those who prowl the bottom of the industry are worth the time and effort. Using information from Consumer Reports, automakers are judged based upon the lineup by ranking road test scores, predicted reliability, safety and owner satisfaction scores. With this information an educated ranking of the worst automakers can be accomplished, showing you what automakers have work to do to make it out of the basement and become one of the leaders in the industry, which some of these names have been in the past. (more…)
When Fun Meets Efficiency
BMW, Chevrolet, Fiat, Ford, Mazda, MINI, Porsche, Scion, Volkswagen

When Fun Meets Efficiency

When we buy a car we normally need it to be the right vehicle for every driving situation we run into. In some cases this is just fine, but if you really want a car that is fun on the road with the curve hugging ability to take on any challenge thrown at it but you also want to be able to drive this car on a daily basis that severely limits your choices. This list is a group of cars that are all a lot of fun to drive, with some of the best technology and performance for you to enjoy, and they all will deliver more than thirty mpg for you to enjoy the drive every day. (more…)