Thursday, March 13

Tag: Self-Driving Cars

The Murky World of Self-Driving Cars (Part 1)
News, Tech

The Murky World of Self-Driving Cars (Part 1)

As we look to the future and know that cars will eventually be able to drive themselves, the actual application of this quality isn’t nearly as simple as turning over technology to machines as the humans did in the movie Wall-E. Hopefully, we don’t ever get to the point of being that dependent upon machines but the future of seeing cars drive themselves is being brought to us as a romantic feeling of being cared for on our way to and from work every day in order to have the comfort and relaxation we want. Before this can happen, there are a number of questions that will have to be answered. (more…)
Is Uber Ready to do Things the Right Way?

Is Uber Ready to do Things the Right Way?

Over the history of our country it’s been well-known those that make the most waves and challenge the way things are currently done end up being villains of the time but become heroes of the history books. Imagine the founding fathers of our country and the fact they were committing treason in the actions they took against the Crown at the time of the Revolutionary War. The idea to abolish slavery in the middle of the 1800s, the organization of labor forces in the early part of the 1900s and the addition of right for women to vote have all been fought for by fighting against the way things have been done in the past. (more…)
Can You Turn Your Car into a Self-Driving Machine?

Can You Turn Your Car into a Self-Driving Machine?

As with any technology added to vehicles we expect the cost of self-driving cars to be much higher than a typical model when these cars hit the streets and are offered for all to enjoy the ride. Right now this autonomous technology is in the test phases and some companies, such as Tesla, that have already created systems that were close to a fully autonomous system, have pulled back the reigns a bit in an effort of caution before the technology is advanced to the point of no return. (more…)
Another Amazing Advancement in Semi-Autonomous Driving

Another Amazing Advancement in Semi-Autonomous Driving

Whether you remember it or not, Sam Schmidt was the victim of a horrible Indy Car Accident several years ago. Rather than rest on his laurels, Sam founded a racing team of his own and became the owner and has enjoyed some amazing success along the way. Even though Sam hasn’t been able to drive a car of his own for quite some time he has reveled in the excitement of watching his team on the track and developing new technology for driving all the while hoping he might one day be able to get behind the wheel of his own car once again. (more…)
Answering a Concern Regarding Autonomous Vehicle

Answering a Concern Regarding Autonomous Vehicle

We are at the brink of having self-driving vehicles on the market for us to enjoy.  While a vast majority of us love the idea of having vehicles that drive themselves they aren’t quite ready to put their lives in the hands of technology. (more…)