Not everyone needs extra large SUVs, but they do serve a specific market of buyers who need a lot of passenger and cargo volume, plus towing power that rivals full-size trucks. As you might suspect, this isn’t a huge category, but there are plenty of options, and it’s quite competitive within the options that are available. Let’s take a look at some nice choices for 2022.
Your local Chevy dealer is used to shoppers looking for the latest and greatest SUVs on the market, but it is going to have to step it up to be ready for the newest 2023 Chevrolet Blazer to come on the scene.
The 2022 Mazda3 is set to hit your local Mazda dealership any day now. This highly-anticipated sedan/hatchback had drivers waiting on pins and needles for details about how Mazda planned on topping previous models. It wasn’t until the end of 2021 that details finally emerged, and they were worth the wait. (more…)
Acura and Buick are two of the names we find in the premium market. While this area of the automotive world is pretty small, with most models straddling the line between mainstream and luxury, we do find some impressive vehicles to review.
Contrary to what you see in movies and TV, it is possible to shop for used cars from a trustworthy auto dealer. That doesn’t mean there aren’t some used car lots out there that live up to the negative stereotypes associated with these car lots. That doesn’t mean you should stay away from every car dealer that offers used options, but it does mean you have to do your due diligence in finding one that’s worth your trust and your business.