Monday, March 31

Tag: Cadillac ATS-V

A Cool Part of Your Car

A Cool Part of Your Car

    You might not think about the hood of your car much, especially if you drive around in one of the many commuter cars or SUVs that doesn’t require much style or added function of the hood to perform. What’s the purpose of a hood anyway? The purpose of this item is to protect the engine bay from debris and items that could potentially damage the engine and cause you to have to deal with a difficult situation in the repair shop. Even though most hoods are mundane and boring, there are some that have been put on cars that are truly cool to see and offer some function as well. (more…)
Dodge, Mercedes-Benz, Porsche

When Performance Matters

Most of the time we spend behind the wheel of a car what actually matters to us is the features we can make use of on our dull and boring drive to and from work each day.  When faced with this type of driving we don’t typically need performance from our car, just the ability to enjoy the drive in some fashion.  At other times, such as when you schedule some track time or want to take a drive in the country, performance really does matter and you want to have a great performance car to give you the fun and engaged driving experience to make your ride one that you can really take pleasure in.  When you want a great performance car for these drives, consider these and find the car that will excite you: (more…)
BMW, Chevrolet, Fiat, Ford, Jaguar, Jeep, News, Ram

When You still Want to Shift

For many years the idea of driving a sports car with an automatic transmission was laughable.  These transmissions were capable of taking the shifting off our plates but couldn’t give us the fuel mileage we would get from a manual and certainly couldn’t give us the performance we desired.  That has all changed and now more cars are fitted with automatics than ever before because they are now made to deliver better fuel mileage and certainly can shift faster and smoother than we can ourselves.  Even with that thought, if you want to enjoy a manual transmission and handle the shifting duties yourself, here are twenty cars that still allow you to do so. (more…)
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