Monday, March 31

Camry vs. Camry; It Doesn’t Even Sound Interesting

05.21.16 - 2016 Toyota Camry

When you consider the best-selling midsized sedan on the market today you get exactly what you expect. This is a car that can easily get from home to work and back, run errands for you, be a great car for a weekend date or a night out with the kids at a movie and is an all-around great member of the family. While the Camry may be your favorite car for your daily driving duties you don’t expect it to be powerful or fast in any way, and for the most part that is the case with this car.

Of course when you think about what the Camry is used for there are version that are powerful and fast. NASCAR has their version of this family sedan that fits right in on the race track and makes laps with all the power and fun of a NASCAR racing machine. While these cars are fast and highly capable what would make for an even more eventful ride is to use a Camry in another way and let it rip and roar in a straight line race against itself; but how could this be accomplished?

The Camry is used in some NHRA events as a funny car and when it’s in this form the car has nearly 10,000 horsepower and can reach insane speeds extremely fast. A car that can reach over 300 mph in less than 1,000 feet sounds crazy, the fact that it’s also built from our favorite family sedan seems ridiculous, but when you see this car in action you can see exactly what this mild mannered car has turned into to be a great racing machine for you to love and admire. How fast is this version of the Camry going to drive?

When you watch the video linked below you will notice the funny car reaches a speed of 316 mph and even gave the sedan a head start. The sedan took off from the line when the orange lights were shining while the funny car has to wait until the lights turn green. Even with this head start the “off the rack” sedan has no chance against this funny car as it rumbles and shakes past at a speed that seems absolutely insane to witness. This is a great example of not just what a race team can do with a car to turn it into a funny car, but what real straight line speed feels like.

Was that in fact the most boring car to car race you have ever seen? If it was you are certainly seeing different racing than I am. From my perspective this car flying past is exciting and wonderful to witness and gives me a new appreciation for just what goes into making an NHRA funny car and how fast they can go. When you see two of these drag beasts going head to head the differential in time and speed is typically nominal and hard to appreciate until you see just how these cars compare to a typical sedan. See for yourself in this video.

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