Friday, March 28

Drive Smart, Drive Long: Top Tips for Car Longevity

Drive Smart, Drive Long: Top Tips for Car Longevity

How do you keep your car running right longer? Let’s look at some important car maintenance tips to extend the life of your vehicle.

“An apple a day keeps the doctor away,” as the old saying goes. Maintaining your body with good health and exercise is important. The same goes for your car. Spending a little money now can save thousands of dollars in car repair bills later on. Can you afford $50 or $100 here and there, or get a massive bill for thousands of dollars all at once? Use these maintenance tips to keep your car running right.

Synthetic oil trumps regular oil

Synthetic oil lasts longer, burns at higher temperatures, and can get into areas that regular oil can’t. These factors make synthetic oil much better for your vehicle, although it’s more expensive than regular oil. By using synthetic oil and not regular oil, you can also extend the intervals between oil changes and perform this service less frequently. In some new cars, you’re only supposed to use synthetic oil, but many owners don’t realize this. Use the good stuff and help your car last a lot longer.

Stop buying the cheap gasoline

If you often stop at a gas station because it’s the cheapest price in the area, you’ll pay for cheaping out later on. One of the most important car maintenance tips is to use branded gasoline whenever possible. These branded stations are part of a network that ensures the proper detergents and additives are present to help protect the seals, injectors, and valves in your engine. The right gasoline is extremely important to extending the life of your vehicle and will save you money in the long run.

Is it time to replace your air filter?

One of the most forgotten but important items in your engine is your air filter. You should check your car’s air filter while performing any maintenance to ensure the proper amount of air continues to flow through your car’s system. Most filters are affordable and easy to replace. This is one of the maintenance items you can handle, and it will help keep your car on the road longer. Most manufacturers suggest you replace your air filter every 12,000 to 15,000 miles.

Clean your fuel system

You won’t want to tear down your car to scrub out the fuel system, but you can purchase a bottle of fuel tank cleaner to make this system much cleaner. As one of the car maintenance tips offered, using a bottle of cleaner will remove harmful carbon deposits and make your vehicle last much longer. Make sure you read the instructions on the bottle to understand how you should add it to the tank and how much gas should be available.

Handle the small problems right away

When you hear a strange noise or your car feels different than normal, it’s best to handle these small problems before they become big trouble. This is the “an ounce of prevention” theory, and it means you should take care of car issues that are small before they become catastrophic. Unlike the Penny character in “The Big Bang Theory,” it’s not a good idea to drive around with the check engine light on for several months or years. If you hear an odd noise, get it looked at.

Use an OBD II scanner

If the check engine light comes on, you might have a problem. Unfortunately, something as simple as a loose gas cap can cause this light to come on, which is something you don’t want to pay for at the repair shop. Using an OBD II scanner can save you money, and it’s one of the best car maintenance tips to help you understand your car. The last thing you want to do is pay the repair shop a diagnostics fee for a loose gas cap.

Drive conservatively

You could use synthetic oil, put the right gas in, change your air filter regularly, and use a fuel system cleaner, but it could still be hazardous to your car. It’s important that you drive conservatively. This means accelerating smoothly, braking slowly, and avoiding sharp turns. When you drive this way, you’ll extend the life of your vehicle and enjoy using it for many years. Drive in a way that will keep your car on the road much longer.

These car maintenance tips can help your vehicle last a lot longer and save you the headache of a catastrophic repair down the road. Be diligent with your car’s maintenance, and it will reward you with continued performance and reliability.

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