Wednesday, March 19
Affordable SUV Driving
News, SUVs

Affordable SUV Driving

Are you looking for a vehicle that brings you more of the quality driving experience you want while being offering in a small and affordable package? If so, you should be shopping for the compact crossover SUV that can be the one that provides you with the benefits of a small size, good cargo space and the dynamics of AWD which you certainly want to have in a vehicle you drive on the road. Take a look at this list and figure out which one of these impressive SUVs will be the one that is right for you to drive. (more…)
Fiat, News

You Know You’re Special When…

What seems to be one of the greatest ways that we can celebrate the success and fame of a person or organization? Over the course of history, or at least since postage stamps were used to send letters and packages around the world the most famous or influential people have been commemorated on stamps. We’ve seen events and historical figures on these stamps and we celebrate them on an annual basis with a variety of holiday style stamps as well. There have been a number of cars that have made their way to stamps over the years as well and one, in particular, is being honored. (more…)
GMC, Trucks

A New GMC Sierra is On the Way

As each new generation arrives for any pickup truck models that we want to drive and enjoy on the roads we get to enjoy the upgrades and the answers needed to the driving desires we have. While the newest model of the GMC Sierra isn’t expected to arrive until the 2019 model year this is a truck that we can have for the ride needed and to get the work done. If you’ve looked for a posh and upscale truck from the GM lineup, the Sierra has always been the choice you would make for the drive. (more…)
News, Safety, Tech

The Murky World of Self-Driving Cars (Part 2)

We are heading toward a world where cars will eventually be able to drive themselves and that frightens some people and excites others. There are many questions regarding the possibility of turning over the controls of a vehicle to the computers and systems that are offered to handle the work involved in getting you where you need to go. We can romanticize about what it will be like to ride in a car and not have to pay attention to the road, but that seems to be a long ways off with more questions than answers; here are some of those questions: (more…)
News, Tech

The Murky World of Self-Driving Cars (Part 1)

As we look to the future and know that cars will eventually be able to drive themselves, the actual application of this quality isn’t nearly as simple as turning over technology to machines as the humans did in the movie Wall-E. Hopefully, we don’t ever get to the point of being that dependent upon machines but the future of seeing cars drive themselves is being brought to us as a romantic feeling of being cared for on our way to and from work every day in order to have the comfort and relaxation we want. Before this can happen, there are a number of questions that will have to be answered. (more…)
News, Volkswagen

The TDI Models are Making a Comeback

If you thought the TDI models offered in the US were dead and never to return, you might actually be wrong in some cases. The Volkswagen models that are offered for sale were thought to be only those that run on gasoline or use hybrid powertrains after the scandal that took place nearly two years ago. While the vehicles offered with the GTI engines and the regular gasoline engines are great to drive, this has left us longing for the old performance of the TDI models that we loved on the road for several years. (more…)
Ferrari, News

2017 Ferrari 488 GTB: A Work of Art

When it’s time for you to drive your dream car the brand of Ferrari is one that you can certainly consider as a brand you’ve admired for decades and always wanted to drive. If this is the brand you’re looking to choose, the Ferrari 488 GTB or Spider are two excellent choices you can make to have the drive you’ve been looking for. This car is one that’s offered with a seductive exterior and every aspect of the driving you want to have when you’re ready to have an amazing way to enjoy the track and the ability to show off the way you want. (more…)
Mitsubishi, News

2018 Mitsubishi Mirage G4: Practical Sedan Driving

When you hear the name Mitsubishi Mirage you might not get excited right away and no one would expect you to be overjoyed by this car. Even in the new G4 sedan form of what has been one of the lowest-priced cars on the market for several years, your heart doesn’t skip a beat with the Mirage, but it could. If you’re looking for a car that makes a lot of sense for you when you need to handle the driving duties you have on a daily basis, this is a car that you know you can trust to get the job done. (more…)

An Automotive Woodstock that Happens Every Year

Those who are familiar with what Woodstock was or that attended this historic music festival most likely have some wonderful memories of the event and what took place. This long music explosion that played to massive crowds in Woodstock, NY was one of the largest gatherings of musicians and fans in recorded history. While many younger readers might not understand this reference, and I might be dating myself a bit, you can understand the idea of a place that offers what feels like a large party to celebrate music and fun that can take several days. (more…)
Fiat, News

Not Your Typical Off Roader

When you think of the vehicle you want to take out on the trails in your area to have fun and know you’re going to be able to handle the challenges faced, often you won’t think of a Fiat 500 to get the job done. While the 500 lineups have expanded over the years and the largest model in the group, the Fiat 500X, is offered with more capability, this is still a vehicle that is difficult to see out on the trails unless you choose one of the top two trim offerings of this vehicle. (more…)
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